People holding small American Flags in the sky
3 large pyramids
Two people digging up a large dinosaur skeleton
Made in the USA Logo

Earths Past™ - A You Power™ Company

What known facts are in ancient items of the past?

A fact based look into many different known truths.

All facts presented must be backed by evidence.

Earth’s Past™ is here to open your eyes to the truth on Earth’s past.

Sign Up Now

Join our United States Business Network, Directory, and Job Listings where you can connect with other United States Businesses. Sign up today for a 6-month free trial after the opening of the Business Directory and Job Listing Networks.

No credit card or payment is required until after the 6 months have been completed, and then it is just $10 per month thereafter. Register with the You Power™ Network and lock in your free 6-month trial.

Become a Partner

Our mission is to keep United States Businesses thriving, promote Business to Business and Business to Consumer relations, and put United States workers back to work. Are you a United States Business that shares our vision and believes your Services, Products, or Parts can contribute to our goals?

We are looking for United States Data Centers, Security Experts, Influencers, and Marketers to partner with us to raise the GDP.

The You Power™ Network

United States Based Business Services

You Power™ the United States Supply Chain, Manufacturing and the Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”).

Why do we send so many United States Dollars overseas when we can create jobs, parts and products MADE in the USA to generate new wealth to bring down our National Debt?

This is an opportunity for United States Businesses to work together helping raise our GDP to save our economy, and our Country, from the soaring debt.